Client Engagement Process with Design Hub Türkiye

1.Initial Inquiry
  • The process begins with the client reaching out to Design Hub Türkiye expressing interest in our services.
  • This could be through our website's contact form, email, or direct communication.

2.Discovery and Needs Assessment
  • Our team engages in a detailed discussion with the client to understand their project goals, requirements, and specific needs.
  • We gather comprehensive information to grasp the project's scope, scale, and desired outcomes.

3.Matchmaking and Proposal
  • Based on the information gathered, we leverage our network to find the most suitable Building Professionals and Companies that match the project's requirements.
  • We prepare a tailored proposal outlining how our curated partners can contribute to the project's success.

4.Client Review and Agreement
  • The client reviews the proposal and, if aligned, provides their consent to move forward.
  • Any modifications or clarifications are addressed before formalizing the agreement.

5.Introduction and Collaboration Kick-Off
  • We facilitate an introduction between the client and the selected AEC companies, fostering direct communication and alignment of expectations.
  • Collaboration strategies, goals, and timelines are discussed during this phase.

6.Project Planning and Strategy
  • The client and the selected AEC companies collectively develop a detailed project plan and strategy.
  • Key milestones, deliverables, and resource allocation are established.

7.Project Execution
  • The AEC companies commence project execution based on the agreed plan.
  • Regular updates and communication channels ensure transparency and progress tracking.

8.Quality Control and Assessment
  • Design Hub Türkiye monitors project quality and adherence to agreed standards.
  • Regular assessments and evaluations ensure the project is on track for success.

9.Collaborative Feedback
  • Open communication channels are maintained between the client and the AEC companies.
  • Feedback and suggestions are encouraged, fostering a collaborative environment.

10.Project Completion and Evaluation
  • As the project reaches its conclusion, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted to measure success against initial goals.
  • Achievements, lessons learned, and opportunities for improvement are discussed.